Mission and strategy

Mission and strategy

Our mission

To provide customers with optimal, efficient and cost-effective solutions tailored to their individual needs as well as to anticipate and develop new solutions.

Our vision

To become a regional leader in our industry through developing and delivering products and services which will be the most preferred Supplier. We may never be the biggest, but we wish to be the best in our customers' opinion.

Our objectives
  • Focus on customer: our customers are at the heart of our interest
  • Strong financial position: to keep the good financial standing of our company ensuring its continuous and dynamic development
  • Good Employer: we wish to be a desirable place for work which inspires people to fulfil their potential
  • Product portfolio: to offer products fulfilling Customers' needs
  • Performance: we want to be a highly efficient, flexible and fast-growing organisation.
  • Social responsibility: our objective is to be an ethical company which is sensitive to the needs and problems of people and the environment around us and to the issues of regional and global communities

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